Originally Posted by gregzz4
Thanks for the nice comments
I just sold Smudge
He wasn't fitting in well with the smaller fish. They all got along but I had to overfeed the fox to get enough food to the little guys
I expect to see a calmer mealtime now and maybe a cleaner tank 
Glad he went to a good home. Have you thought of getting a auto feeder?
I'm contemplating getting one next time I'm at j&l as I would like them to eat more often.
How many fish will you be adding in total?
I think I went a little overboard and I might be a little overstocked.
ATM in the 75 I got the kole(who's turn out to be a pig, eats everything and anything), one lyretail anthias, a flasher wrasse, a solar fairy wrasse, 4 blue/green chromis and two cleaner shrimp (one skunk and one fire)
I still have to add the livestock from my 34 cube which currently hosts two black ocellaris clowns with their anemone, a bicolor blenny, cleaner wrasse and a goby with his tiger pistol shrimp. And in my 10 gallon I have another tiger pistol shrimp with a sunrise goby buddy. I still have t been able to find out if two gobies and two shrimp can coexist in the same tank and I'm really attached to them
Think I'm pushing the envelope with that much livestock?