Well, It is put together, rock added and looking good. It has been a couple of weeks of little picky things.
I got everything setup and the plumbing done only to realize it rattled to much and I should add a piece of rubber under the sump. I added the sand so that things could settle.
The return pump is one I used on my 75 Gallon, I don't remember what it is but it is wayyyyy more then i needed. I have installed a ball valve and I am running it at 1/4 closed and that seems to be alright. The drain to the sump is 1" PVC with a 90 degree in the back of the display tank. I have it pretty balanced... Took less fooling around then I thought.
I have the magnets in the drawers and only need to get some little spacers for them so it is not so tight... but all in all it is time to look at rock, coral and livestock.
Here is my FTS:
I am doing a deep sand bed with Liverock. The rock all came from my 165 Gallon at home so it is all cycled, with some nice growth already. I have also added a green hairy mushroom and a piece of my Green Star Polyps.