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Old 10-16-2012, 12:06 AM
LeanneP LeanneP is offline
Join Date: Dec 2011
Location: Kelowna
Posts: 245
LeanneP is on a distinguished road

Thanks for all the responses. Yes Myka I do realize the sailfin and rabbit fish will eventually be too big for my tank but they came with it when I got it. They are actually the best of friends so I almost feel like I will have to sell them as a pair! I have been buying the Elos test kits every time I go to Vancouver and nitrate and phosphate were on my list. Just too expensive to buy at once along with everything else.
I have to say that my corals are even looking worse now. Even my hammer coral who has seemed to fair the best is totally closed now. I was planning to do another 15gallon water change on Wednesday but there was a comment not to do one. I would think it would still help to bring the phosphates down as I have phosphate remover in my filter meaning the phosphate is in the water?
My water changes have not been very regular lately as it took several weeks to get my R/O system set up due to finding plumbing parts and then my dad ended up in the hospital for a week. I am planning to do weekly water changes until I can get things back on track. Or is that too much?
By the way Starry ,my tank is 86 gallons.
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