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Old 10-15-2012, 09:33 PM
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Originally Posted by tim_s View Post
Might not be great for submerged either!

Having to replace a plumbed in pump for a new brand may require plumbing adjustments which if anything could be a very annoying experience - especially when you have time against you I.e. live stock that has a dependance on the system running.

I would maybe investigate whether a replacement is an option.
The part that's leaking is where the impeller housing mates with the motor housing, probably just a oring or something that's not provided a great seal. It's pretty minor, just a slight build up of salt creep over a day or so but enough to prevent me from running them external. I didn't investigate, just installed them internal which worked out better for me anyway. The pumps work fine and don't require replacement. This is a typical issue with many pumps.
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