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Old 10-15-2012, 02:41 PM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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Originally Posted by LeanneP View Post
I have a Remora Aqua C skimmer that is about 6 months old. Fish are sailfin tang, rabbit fish, 3 damsels, 2 clowns and a lawn mower Benny. I did add some GFO earlier today and my hammer coral is already looking a bit better. I used Fluval brand which I am sure is not that great but it is what I had. I used the most minimum amount that they suggested to avoid bleaching.
I have just retested my nitrate with two kits and they both say 0 for nitrate but they are API and I know they are quite inaccurate. I have a Nutrfin test kit for phosphate, again it is saying 1.0. I know I need to invest in some better test kits. We don't have any stores that sell decent ones here so it is on my list for my next trip to Vancouver.
I know that I am having these issues because of the water quality so I hopeful now I have R/O water things will get back on track. I do have a TDS meter so I check all my water to make sure it is at 0 before I put it in the tank.
Thanks for all the help. I will try and find some better GFO tomorrow.
how many water changes have you done lately?? could explain why your nitrates are so low , tyically water chages dont do much for phoshates.

run the gfo and lay off the water changes for a week or 2 and let things stabilize then resume with your water changes.

phosphates do a number on a lot of coral.... imo its one of the things you really need to target right from the beginning.

the corals are always the first to tell
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