Originally Posted by imisky
We are running Marlin on the machine, its about as good as it gets right now without writing your own. The machine is fully open source so we picked the best of the firmware, electronics and matched it to our hardware.
What machine are you running? I always ask because its awesome to know 3D printing is spreading in Vancouver. 2 years ago there was 3 guys I knew that was into this stuff. and now we are at about 40+ and growing.
There is a 3D printer meet up every 2nd week at boston pizza beside the langley colossus movie theater. Tons of people usually show up to just chat about stuff. Its like a sw meet but for 3D printers, feel free to contact me for more info.
At home I run an ultimaker. I've got the thing nice and dialed in and have been consistently running 20 um prints. I've only had this ine at home for a few months. I've been using 3D printers for about 7 years in some way or form. At the office I use Objets. Man, I want one of those for the house.