Originally Posted by Nano
 yup noticed that one too.
As to the OPs question, I've noticed it too, I cough it up to laziness and being cheap. That's just me though. I mean its fine to save money, but as you said not everyone has fish stockpiled for this specific reason. In fact I don't think there are many at all.
My answer, got to a lfs and support it.
Well seeing how this is most likely in response to my post yesterday for what I'm looking for it is not because I'm lazy or cheap. I go to the lfs every sat and I just don't like what I see there, so I thought that I'd might try and post. That's it plain and simple. Now everyone has a right to their opinion, however before you beak off just remember that there are 2 side to every story. Also to those guys who stockpile fish out of your basements to make a quick buck, maybe you should clean up your act.
Or is just me!?!?