Originally Posted by jorjef
Shrinkage is not so good either, damn it's going to be cold out there.
Everything revolves around money and people will do anything they can to get it from you, whether its taxes, parking fines, selling overpriced under quality food, lakeside packers cheaping out and not taking time to clean their slaughter house or your LFS enticing you with new corals.
Monetary slavery is what we are all born into in the "free world" where nothing is free.
As the old analogy goes "There are only 2 certainties in life, Death and Taxes".
I personally am glad that I have food to eat (GMO or not). Far too many people in the world don't have food to eat, clean water to drink, freedom of choice, the ability to learn, read, study, question, etc.
History repeats, positions of power corrupts, the sun rises and falls etc etc.
Yes this world is messed, but as others have said, "paranoia will destroy ya".
Make the best of what you can and put faith in the populous to do what is right.