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Old 10-11-2012, 11:53 AM
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wickedfrags wickedfrags is offline
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Default final decision on the Illumina 260 I am running will be in by xmas I suspect...I recently added 3 UV modules, and am going to get either 2 more UV or 2 blue...........I have some nice SPS now and have my alk under control with a doser.....time will tell

Originally Posted by Aquattro View Post
Dave, the LED are ok, in that they retained most of my coral's colors. Some went efflo which was purple on green is now grey on grey. My pink and blue milli is now my nice blue milli. A couple others lost a bit of bang, although I just nuked my tank with pesticides, so not a good week to be judging colors -lol
Overall, if you have Radiums and no GOOD (cost, evaporation, etc) reason to switch them out, I'd stick with them.
I'm out.
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