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Old 10-11-2012, 12:57 AM
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The Grizz The Grizz is offline
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Just some FYI for those who own apple products..... I something goes wrong with it and it is still on warranty don't think you are just going to walk into an Apple store and have it taken care of.

Today I decided I better go get my 4s replaced because the ear speaker is toast. Wife & I jumped into the truck & drove the 150 km to Edmonton.............just to be told......... Sure we can help you with that.........TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!

Are you 'F'ing kidding me!!!! Tomorrow!!!! I drove 150km to get told tomorrow!!!!!! Needless to say I was not impressed & I am sure the whole store new it, actually I know the whole store knew it as I made sure of it.

The wife wants a Mac desktop but after this I am having second thoughts about it & I am so glad that so far the wife's 4s & both are iPads have had no issues.

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