Originally Posted by reefermadness
Who's tank have you seen it in?
I'm pretty sure.....ask Jay though.
When I was in TO in the summer for a conference I made the trek out to Jay's and while there I met a dude from TO (I think his name was Chris? Rich young guy, wore a suit, lived downtown near the waterfront). He gave me a ride back to TO to save me from having to take the bus back. We stopped at his place to check out his tank and he had it there (at least that's what he said it was). Looked very similar to the pic Titus99 posted. From the amount of cash this guy had thrown into this tank I wouldn't have doubted him it it was actually a Pink Floyd and he had dropped a stupid amount for it. His looked darker yellow and the polyps looked dark pink, not the light pink we see in the reefraft pic.
Either way it's still a nice coral. Looks the same to me really (in fact I think the knock off might look better with the deeper colours) and I'm not too concerned with lineage. Just care if it looks nice!
Reefer and Hydrologist: I was hoping you guys would just into this thread. I think the two of you have my two favourite SPS tanks in Canada. More pics?