Originally Posted by Coralgurl
For some of you, this hobby is simple or at least you make it seem that way. I wish my upgrade was to a 90-120 gl. Maybe the upgrade from the 55 was too soon. I would never tell someone to go as big as possible, I would say to start below 100 gls. Would be great to find someone who is willing to mentor you, but chances are, its not going to happen.
My first real reef was actually a 75g. It was a nice tank and my intro into SPS. I learned a lot with it, lots of it the hard way.
Maybe it's experience, but the only real difference between that tank and my 180 is the cost to run it. Maintenance is the same, although I've automated a lot now, and even a 50g water change only takes me 10 or 15 minutes. I don't muck around with it too much, more of a sit on the couch and stare at it phase now..