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Old 10-10-2012, 08:03 PM
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Coralgurl Coralgurl is offline
Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: Calgary
Posts: 1,894
Coralgurl is on a distinguished road

I started my 55 reef in March 2011 and the 180 in Feb 2012 so only reefing for a year and a half. No prior knowledge of the hobby and we basically jumped in. I found this forum 6 months after we started and relied on the LFS for advice previoulsy. I am not a research guru and as as newb, honestly didn't even know what to look for or where to start.

I can honestly say the 55 is much easier to maintain. It took 9 months for it to really settle into a nice system and has changed a couple of times since setting it up, but all in all, everything is easier. Water changes, dosing, maintenance, everything. Some things are automated with the 180, but mostly its all manual stuff I look after. Mostly, I find it overwhelming. I've dumped thousands of dollars into it and am still waiting for that "ahhhh moment" that I actually like it. I do have regrets with the 180, to the point that I have thought many times of shutting it down and selling off. Its definitely not from lack of effort and time put into it.

For some of you, this hobby is simple or at least you make it seem that way. I wish my upgrade was to a 90-120 gl. Maybe the upgrade from the 55 was too soon. I would never tell someone to go as big as possible, I would say to start below 100 gls. Would be great to find someone who is willing to mentor you, but chances are, its not going to happen.
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