Big and small are relative. People with 300g+ systems consider 180g tanks to be small. My first fish tank of any kind was a 180g reef tank. I did however do months of reading and research before even buying 1 piece of equipment. That is something most people don't have time for or don't want to do as some people just want a fish tank plain and simple. My 180g is no longer running due to a tank failure but I'm in the process of setting up a new 38g Nuvo and a 208g. I've learnt a lot along the way and I don't really think tank size makes anything easier or harder. The interest and diligence of the hobbyist is what will make things hard or easy. That being said, the bigger the tank the more resources it will consume. (ie. Time & Money) For the 'average' person I would have to say 75g-90g is perfect as it's not crazy expensive and you won't continually hear "your tank is too small for that fish".