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Old 10-09-2012, 03:28 PM
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Enigma Enigma is offline
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Location: Calgary, AB
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Enigma is on a distinguished road

Now that I've seen the photos on a better monitor . . . it definitely looks like cyano in the green algae. It may just be caught up enough in the algae that it won't syphon out.

Now, the green algae . . . I've had that one in my display. I don't know 100% what it is called, and I couldn't get an ID on it. dbigdog may very well be correct in that it is similar to (or a species of) Chaetomorpha.

My Tuxedo Urchin ate it, and I was very pleased to have it gone from my display.

If it starts to become invasive and choke out your corals, you will want to remove it. Otherwise, if it stays in check, it may be okay.

What tests are you using?

You most likely do have phosphate. My API test always tested "0" for phosphate. I purchased a Hanna Checker, and while they're only accurate to 0.04ppm, it has certainly shown me that I have phosphate in my system. I'm also able to determine that my ROWAphos is removing it (by comparing the tank water to the output from my fluid reactor).
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