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Old 10-08-2012, 12:00 PM
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HaZRaTTy HaZRaTTy is offline
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Edmonton
Posts: 482
HaZRaTTy is on a distinguished road

I was under the assumption that cheato will feed on excess Phos/Nit. Also what type of bulbs and how high from the surface are they.

Your cheato however will die off from a lack of nutrients (lucky for you its easy to find someone giving away the stuff to replace)

If your bulbs are actually a year old I would begin with replacing those, also would cut back to a bi-weekly WC

H2S - Would only be a huge factor if you are stirring and disrupting the sand bed how long has your tank been setup for if it hasn't been a very long time I doubt you would have enough build up to cause a problem

What type of CUC do you have snail wise? Was it Turbo's that have died tanks really tend to show when one of those buggers die.

I also doubt that if your tank was built by any tank builder they would be not using a GE product especially if it was built recently. If you're still in doubt you could always call but chances are if your tank has been running for some time without problems from the start you're in the clear.

What are all your other water parameters?

Try to flood us with information the more you give, the more accurate response you'll likely to get.
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