No matter what they were on, they always managed to land at least an inch or 2 away from any surface on the sand bed and laid there upside down twirling their foot in circles not accomplishing a thing. Thats why I first bought the trochus because of their famous ability to right themselves. But I didn't think I would have to be flipping the stupid things over twice a day. The astreas just dont fall over.
All though... The trochus seemed to land in the sand with the tip of their shell directly down, where as the astreas seem to land on the side of the shell and have better luck where they land? (from what I've seen in my tank anyway) and are usually close enough to the glass or rock to just grab on.
Dont know what to say about Nerites, bought 3, only 1 survived the 20 min drive home from J&L, and I dont notice a path of squeaky clean glass after he passes like I do with the astreas. Haven't had to flip him. Have had to flip my Cowries once I think. The Nassarius snails obviously flip themselves, thankfully otherwise I wouldn't get away with tossing them to the other side of the tank when they harass my coral at feeding time.