Hi everyone,
I've been reefing for nearly 5 years and have only started trying to keep sps this year. So I'm not well versed in the scientific or popular names of different sps species/ types.
Any how, I think I scored 2 nice pieces today. All I know is that they're both encrusting types of montiporas and that's about it. Please help me in finding their scientific and popular names so I can get more information on them.
Below are some pictures I took right after taking them out of their bags. Sorry for the poor image quality; my camera is a really old point and shoot (Canon A620) and the batteries were nearly empty of charge. Thanks in advanced.
Under 2300K regular desk lamp bulb with camera flash.
Under 2300K regular desk lamp bulb with no flash.
Close up: 2300K desk lamp and camera flash
Close up: Under PAR 38 led running at 50% at 2.5 feet height from container. LED configuration: 4 white 6 blue 2 red.
Camera batteries just about died after this next shot.
In my 40 G breeder. Directly under 2 x 6300K and 1 x 7000K T5HO bulbs. Further away are 1 x fiji pink KZ bulb and 2 actinic bulbs.