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Old 10-06-2012, 04:22 PM
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Northernseacorals Northernseacorals is offline
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Northernseacorals is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Coralgurl View Post
So bummed, this weekend has not started well. Had a horrible day at work yesterday, ok it happens right. Woke up this morning to find someone had keyed my car. Damage runs front to back and it's gouged. Not sure if it happened last night while we were at a movie or at home. I know it's just a car but I'm so upset. I'm not a jerk driver that takes up 2 stalls, I will park where there are no other cars around.
I feel you're pain, I had the same thing happen when I was in Edmonton visiting some family; my pickup was keyed right down to the metal; leaving scars in it... I was so upset.

Sometimes I feel like I would have beat the person within an inch of their life if I'd had been lucky enough to catch them.
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