Thread: Quarantine Poll
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Old 04-25-2004, 10:50 PM
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Originally Posted by AI Man
I will also say that many disease outbreaks are certainly hobbyist induced by poor handling, poor acclimatization, bad water quality, and non compatible tankmates.
I can't count the amount of times I've had a fish in quarantine for 2 weeks, then in our retail systems for weeks to even months and a customer takes it home and it dies within a few weeks(sometimes days). I can confidently say that the hobbyist is responsible for the unfortunate demise of the fish. When I ask them about their tank their answer is almost always that everything is "fine". I wish I could say it but my response in my head is usually "well obviously not".

Here's a question. I agree when a healthy fish has been in a store for many weeks and months and then dies within a few days in the customer's tank that there's a possibility that its the conditions of the customer's tank that is questionable. But in that case, I don't think a quarantine tank would have helped. Is it for sure that a bare Q Tank is less stressful to the new fish than an established reef?
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