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Old 10-06-2012, 01:26 AM
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ensquire ensquire is offline
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Hey Lyndsy, (Hope I got it right)
What I do to sponsor and what may work for you is to go to your local watering holes and ask if you can pick up there empties. We give away 200 weekly to sport teams etc . Who ever asks.
Might be worth a try.

Originally Posted by michika View Post

I know EXACTLY where you're coming from. Same deal here for me, and I'm on two teams!

Some ways we found to save us some cash and cover our jersey costs;
- bottles (we've had a team raise 5K this year alone by collecting their own bottles and putting it up on FB, and other social media places).
- We looked at companies that make jersey's who don't normally target our sport as customers.
- We looked at local companies and found joint ventures worked really well; one company to get the uniforms, another to heat-press, stitch on logos/names/numbers.

Can you tell us more about what kind of sport you're talking about? I might be able to point you to some names, people, or places that could help you out.
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