With the help of Paul in tech support, the problem with the power bar is resolved by some internal reprogramming by him. Something to do with a component not operating within the original parameters and thus causing the whole system to plug up with failed attempts to communicate.
In the process of all this trouble shooting I did get lots of practice with the programming having had to redo it several times over.

It does get easier as you get more familiar with it. When I replied to your PM, I had not delved into the advanced programming, but have since done so. It is a bit intimidating at first, But one trick I figured out was to first programm the outlet using one of the wizards and save that, then when you switch to the advanced mode the bulk of the programming is all ready set up. Then you just need to add or delete lines to suit what you want. I don't have any really complex controls in there yet, so most of what I was adding in was straight forward. I also found that once I figured out a line of code and entered it in one outlet, I'd just copy and paste it to others where it would be used as well. Big time saver.
I also got the networking basically set up on the Apex yesterday and got the email alarms working. As part of the support session, Paul configured my router to allow him remote access which is also the settings needed to allow remote internet access for myself. I'm sure if you can't get it sorted on your own, I'm sure that they could help you with yours too (I would have struggled with it compared to him getting it done in minutes). I have a wireless adapter on it's way so I'll be working to get that configured once it arrives. For the support and trouble shooting I had moved the Apex upstairs next to my router so I could connect to it directly.