Thanks for sharing that. For copper treatment Cupramine is pretty safe provided you don't mix it with other treatments such as ParaGuard.
While I'm new to the whole QT process my setup/procedure is as follows
Dual 55 gallon separate QT tanks for Fish, allowing for some flexibility on purchasing rather than min set 6 week frequency. May also be used for different treatments if need be.
Heater, air pump and power-head for equipment. Filter is made from rubble rock which tank water is forced to flow through one direction while air from air pump flows the other way.
Just monitoring salinity and copper for now, not sure I see the need for monitoring NH4 given the tank size and what I would expect to be a fairly efficient biological filter.
Using Cupramine right now as my previous tank did has ich present although it didn't seem to cause any issues I want to prevent any issues going forward, butterflies also presented symptoms of gill flukes. I will consider other treatments going forward or treat on demand.
Quarantining just fish for now, contemplating separating my frag tank for use as coral and other invert QT system. New tank will all previous corals is going to run in parallel for 6 weeks without fish to insure fresh start.
Fish will be quarantined for 6 weeks.
Last edited by sphelps; 10-02-2012 at 07:00 PM.