From what I understand, ParaGuard is not guaranteed to work against Ich. However, I chose ParaGuard for prophylactic treatment as Brad (I'm sure it was him) mentioned that since starting a strict QT regime that includes ParaGuard's use that he hasn't had any loses.
I haven't had any of my fish exhibit symptoms of Ich or Velvet. I may have it in my system, but I've never seen any sign of it. I have lost two clownfish to Brook, however. I've also had an issue with flukes.
One of the best treatments for Brook is Ich-X, which contains formaldehyde, methanol, and malachite green chloride. Ich-X is pretty aggressive though, and it requires big water changes. Paraguard is "a proprietary, synergistic blend of aldehydes, malachite green, and fish protective polymers," and it doesn't require big water changes. I'm hoping that the gentler, and lower risk, Paraguard (with its similar ingredients to Ich-X) will help keep Brook out of my system.
Brook strikes so fast that there isn't a whole lot of time to act. Brook horrifies me. The two clowns were dead within three hours of the obvious onset of symptoms.
I use the PraziPro for flukes and intestinal worms, as I've had very good success with it in eradicating flukes. I haven't had anything react negatively to it, and I don't feel it is detrimental to fishes' health. It seems like a very low risk prophylactic to me.
I'm not using copper as a prophylactic as it can be quite toxic, and I don't want to use it unless it is absolutely required for the treatment of an obvious parasite infestation. It seems very high risk to me. And, I would probably try hypo first. Being that Ich doesn't usually take down fish as quickly as Brook, there is usually time to try hypo fist.
Edit: I should add that the reason I don't do water changes through the PraziPro treatment is because one treatment lasts in the system for five days. I don't want to dilute it or mess up the concentration with a WC. I do very regular water changes (often daily) when treating with the Paraguard, as that only hangs around in the water for 24-hours.
Last edited by Enigma; 10-02-2012 at 06:41 PM.