Originally Posted by sphelps
You must have short arms  I was going to suggest 24", figured you're where probably using 10mm glass anyway which is still plenty for 30x24 but now maybe I'm thinking you're going with 6mm? The only reason I suggested the extra height was related to the sudden addition of SPS corals making their way into the tree 
i would love the height but yeah its my short arms lol actually im not sure on the glass daves using he gave me a price and i was like " sold" lol prob is 10mm anyways so i doubvt the extra height would actually cost anything.....hummm now you got me thinking i should go 22" arghhh im just to damn short lol
Originally Posted by Enigma
Maybe he just doesn't want to be wet up to his armpit!
yup thats it lol , plus i spend alot of time moving frags around so it would be nice to not have to be soaked everytime i did it lol :P