So I was at the AI BBQ on Sat. and Dawn's daughter had a little crested gecko with her (they just came from the reptile show) and it was the cutest thing so I then started asking them about them. As we were talking Lyndsy came by and I learned that she has a bunch of them. So then I did a bunch of reading about how to take of them. Looked into costs etc. checked kijiji for deals. I asked about an ad for a terrarium I saw and Dawn found a way better deal in another ad. Lucky for me the terrarium was still available and I picked it up. Talked to Lyndsy at the reptile show (FYI it's a really good show) and got a crested gecko from her
Here's my terrarium
feeding station
gecko house
and here is my gecko in his critter container that he was in for the ride home. I've named him (could be a her, can't tell yet) Reese.