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Old 04-23-2004, 06:53 PM
shift_47 shift_47 is offline
Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: lethbridge alberta
Posts: 34
shift_47 is on a distinguished road

wind in the brain that happens to alot of us in lethbrige. You know what they say lethbridge blows but it really sucks to live here.
Well no we dont have a sw store, i get all my stuff from calgary and edm, jl aquatics and the hat. It really sucks to not have a local store to get stuff, and sucks even more to be one of 3 who have a reef tank in this city of 60 0000 no much trading going on. well i don need info on the eductors anymore got it and am going to build a eductor skimmer in may will post pics after. And willl post pics under the pic form tonight of my tank for all to see.

thanks for you help
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