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Old 09-28-2012, 03:28 AM
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doch doch is offline
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Location: Fort McMurray
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doch is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by michika View Post
Bummer on the James Tex thing. I'd definitely recommend him, but if you've previously had a 'bad' experience, then yeah...what can you do? He did a beautiful jellyfish peice for me earlier this year. I love his work, but attitude counts for something.
The experience itself wasn't bad (although it wasn't good), it's more that he doesn't stand behind his work. Unless you're a jail house tattooer, you need to stand behind your work. I'm almost tempted to leave it as is just so I can tell people who did it, and why it looks so bad.

160 gallon Reef, almost all SPS, a few LPS, small handfull of Zoas, and 5 clams. LOVING the upgrade (now that most of the work is done!)

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