I guess I just haven't had any luck with citizens products, IME they've never held up to even the slightest abuse...I bought the pictured Ti ecodrive 12 tears ago for about $950ish, within the first six months it stopped charging...back to the shop, another six months went by and it needed a seal on the bezel replaced...second time to the shop, the last time I had it into the shop was to replace the screws in the clasp after it fell off my wrist one day. I stopped wearing it at that time, this watch saw very little abuse. (worn for <18mo.)
On the other side of the coin, the below pictured Tissot Ti touch, has been abused extensively since I purchased it 6 years ago for the sum of about $1100. I bought it for a field watch (oilfield construction & drilling projects) and it has been ten times the watch of the citizen. This T was worn for >4 years and is still in great shape (mechanically speaking) today.