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Old 09-27-2012, 06:11 PM
raoul duke raoul duke is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: Gibbons AB
Posts: 5
raoul duke is on a distinguished road
Default Assorted Cichlids - Gibbons AB

I am converting to saltwater so I need to find a home for 18 mature African cichlids and two plecos.

There are a couple ice blues, bumblebee, marble peacocks, (trade names? sorry about not sure of scientific names)and a few randoms I have picked up over the years.

Make me an offer to take them all of my hands asap. Few hundred bucks worth of fish here and they all get along swimmingly in my 180g.

I'm already accumulating equipment for my conversion so I would like to get my tank drained and prepped like yeterday! I'd hate to have to take them to Big Al's and not get jack for credit.

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