09-26-2012, 05:01 PM
acanthastrea freak
Join Date: Jun 2002
Location: Virden, Manitoba
Posts: 5,690
Originally Posted by raoul duke
Hi, Converting my 180 gallon freshwater tank to my first saltwater setup, did my homework, came up with a plan.
This is all new to me so I just need somebody to make sure the steps sound logical.
1.Remove all existing livestock, decor, substrate etc, drain and clean tank to eliminate any colonies of freshwater bacteria.
2. Remove existing media from my fluval fx5 canister filter, clean and dry it, replace with all new media (floss, inert porcelein, carbon maybe?) Is it a good idea to keep the mechanical filtration at all?
3. Install sump, skimmer, return pump, powerheads
4. Fill tank, mix salt, start up all the equipment, check consistency of temp, gravity, etc.
5. Add 1 pound of live rock per gallon (or a mixture of live and base rock to be seeded?) and a liquid bacterial starter (whats that stuff called again?)
6. If everything's cool after a week or two, start by adding one or two hardy, inexpensive fish (Chromis or Damsels)
7. start thinking about upgrading lights etc., adding LPS down the road in the future
Does this make sense? I Should be able to complete 1-5 over a couple of days yes?
looks good to me however why add a fish do it the natural way with some food and let it take it course over a couple of weeks or more. DONT RUSH ANYTHING. SKIP 6 FOR NOW and you dont always have to have 1 pound for 1 x gallon. For a FO system you can have a powerful skimmer to handle the crap in the tank. and a good UV or OZONE will work too. but remember with a OZONE it will convert AMMONIA to NITRITES fast ,but then you are stuck with NITRATES and they can build up fast,
But dont get me wrong rock is good to have for later down the road.
180 starfire front, LPS, millipora
Doesn't matter how much you have been reading until you take the plunge.
You don't know as much as you think.
Last edited by Skimmerking; 09-26-2012 at 05:03 PM.