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Old 09-24-2012, 07:12 PM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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reefwars will become famous soon enough

Originally Posted by sphelps View Post
Well I have a plan but who knows if it will work. Planning on keeping a few butterflies and angels along with whatever corals they don't eat. Probably SPS and soft corals for the most part. I've already purchased 2 golden butterflies and 1 empire angel so quite a bit already invested in the fish part. One thing I thought I could keep for certain was anemones like maxi and rock anemones. However the goldens ate those pretty quick so not a great start Hammer coral is also out and pretty much any kind of zoa/paly. The empire seems to be fairly well behaved but the butterflies are trouble for sure despite them supposedly being more on the reef safe side.

And thanks to all for the nice comments.
think they will eat acans or favias or even chalices??

if not i got some ill put aside for you for when your here next
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