I finally had a moment to chime in a bit.
I apologise if I have repeated any information;
The key to raising any fry is the food, and the combination to give the maxinum nutritional value for the buck.
I will list the most inexpensive methods for the following;
You need Phyto to feed rotifers, phyto can be cultured in a 2L pop bottle with a little air movement, and light. To feed the phyto you need a fertilizer, G2 or F2, or even miricle grow (not recommended)
You need a good concentration of rotifers to even attempt the first 24hours after a hatch, if not they WILL starve to death. This needs only a 5gallon pail, with an air bubbler. When the rotifers go yellow, add more phyto.
The rotifers should be set up at least a week in advance, they pail should go from green to yellow at a depth of around 5" every 24-48 hours. If it doesn't, you do not have enough rotifers.
clownfish will hatch out from spawning date between 7-9 days, depending on your species, and the temperature you have them in.
They should be removed from the parents tank prior to hatch. You can use tank water or make NEW seawater for this. The eggs are more resilient than the fry to changes in water.
I've been told that Baby Brine shrimp can be fed after 6 days, I have done as early as 3. THEY CANNOT EAT BBS ANY TIME BEFORE THAT, rotifers are their first foods.
After the metamorph stage (7 days), they can start eating other foods.