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Old 09-21-2012, 03:59 AM
pseudonym pseudonym is offline
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Location: Edmonton, Alberta
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Originally Posted by Nano View Post


And you have a lawn mower blenny ripping around every where, clowns which basically protect their hosting spot, 2 tangs which in a tank that size will swim where ever they can to keep up with the tiny space they are crammed into, 3 pipefish, and 2 mandarins which are all pod eaters (so wouldn't that mean they are competing for food? Especially in such a small tank?)... I'm not going to argue this with you. My post count for the day is getting to high. Plain and simple I may be overstocked in my open water, but yet I have no problems in my tank aggression wise.. weird.. I was just trying to help like everyone else, but seems I said something you didnt like, maybe it was the tang remark? Anyways you didn't like it so you start pointing the finger at me.. not a good way to get help here.

Time for some wobbly pops :P
The tangs are very young so are currently in-rock, mid level fish. Clowns are generally mid level, open water fish and it wasn't until they lost their host that they started going out anywhere else. I am thinking they were exploring to find a new host. Now the pipefish and the mandarins! I knew you would bring those up. First, they live in VERY different areas of the tank and hunt in different areas. The pipefish are bottom, open water and the mandarins are bottom, in-rock. They do slightly compete, but not how you think. The mandarins like a larger size of pod than the pipefish. So they hunt different life stages of their food. In addition, I do supplemental feeding of artemia for both animals as well as the crinoids and dendro.

I realize your opinion is that the tank is overstocked and that is why I am having aggression issues. However, you fail to take into account the changing situation in the tank and the fact that it was very very peaceful until the clowns lost their host. None of that has to do with stocking. Quite simply, your explanation doesn't account for the entire situation.

Quite simply, I think you have an easy answer that you like to kick out. You like it because it is hard to refute and you think that you must be right because you don't have the same issues. That is specious logic my friend.

If it was a stocking issue, I would have had aggression issues FAR earlier than this. Sorry to burst your bubble. I think you look at stocking is a far too simplistic fashion myself. But, each to their own.

As I recall, I was asking for info, not help (other than how to catch the things). Stop thinking that you are handing out pearls to swine. I came here for a discussion, not to hear you lecture without challenge.

Last edited by pseudonym; 09-21-2012 at 04:06 AM.