And you have a lawn mower blenny ripping around every where, clowns which basically protect their hosting spot, 2 tangs which in a tank that size will swim where ever they can to keep up with the tiny space they are crammed into, 3 pipefish, and 2 mandarins which are all pod eaters (so wouldn't that mean they are competing for food? Especially in such a small tank?)... I'm not going to argue this with you. My post count for the day is getting to high. Plain and simple I may be overstocked in my open water, but yet I have no problems in my tank aggression wise.. weird..

I was just trying to help like everyone else, but seems I said something you didnt like, maybe it was the tang remark? Anyways you didn't like it so you start pointing the finger at me.. not a good way to get help here.
Time for some wobbly pops :P