Originally Posted by Enigma
You're itty bitty tang looks terrible in that video.
Good point on not having any missing inverts or empty shells. That would eliminate most of what I'm thinking of in the way of potential suspects.
I just wouldn't have anticipated this level of aggression from Pink Skunks. If they were Maroons I wouldn't be surprised. This really sucks.
They are orange skunks.. so a bit bigger but supposed to be even more peaceful that pinks! I never expected it as well. I removed the Wrasse as he was harassing the clowns, never expect them to start to do the same to the rest of the tank!
Would losing their anemone cause this kind of aggression? My coloured anemone didn't survive. Was tearing my hair out as to why it was dieing.. then I caught my spider decorator crab eating it! Explains why I had no aiptasia in the display and some in the fuge. They were aggressive to the tangs a before, but since then the big one actually was going into the live rock to harass the tangs. I really noticed it getting bad yesterday, and when I couldn't find a tang today was when I decided that getting the clowns out had to be a priority and tore down the rock.