Originally Posted by intarsiabox
You roll the dice with any fish, many stories out there of "peaceful" fish being the most aggressive in the tank. I've always had clowns in all my tanks without issue but you never know what will happen anytime new livestock is added. I find clowns are really inquisative so to catch them in a stocked tank I've had sucess by leaving a net in the tank for awhile till they start checking it out and then go after them.
Well.. I am literally sitting here with tears streaming down my face. I had to almost completely destroy the tank to get those little ****ing *******s out. The rock will not fit back in.. the coral.. I have no idea what will survive now. at least two of the sea stars went out of the water, so they are likely going to die now. Hopefully my noids will be okay, but with the movement and all that ****, I doubt it.
I am so upset right now I really can't express it...