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Old 09-19-2012, 06:57 AM
The Guy The Guy is offline
busy with fresh water.
Join Date: Dec 2011
Location: Kelowna, BC
Posts: 1,041
The Guy is on a distinguished road
Thumbs down Bristle Worm Question

I notice some bristle worms that come out once the lights go out, they seem quite long and about as thick as a garden worm. I tried to grab one with plastic tongs but they seem very strong and he broke off at about an inch long. The rest of it disappeared back into the rocks. I did see traps that are available, do they work or is there a better way to get rid of these creepy things
Hey! I never "LEFT" the hobby, just doing fresh water now. Which is still listed as part of Canreef if I'm not mistaken.
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