Hello all
I am sorry for the confusion on this.
I am just finding it very difficult to make this come together.
I work at least 40 hours a week for my limo company.
Additionally, I started my 4th year of university 2 weeks ago and spend about 25hours a week at school, never mind the extra time for projects, reading, papers etc.
I have also been trying to start up yet another business for so long now that it has become a standing joke with my friends...(on a good note, finally the end is in sight)
Additionally, I have about 3000 gallons of fish tanks spread throughout my house and my shop which take up a huge part of my time at well.
Due to my extremely chaotic schedule, my house and tanks are in utter disarray.
point blank, I am feeling overwhelmed at this point of time
I am very sorry to say, but this will have to be delayed to another time....after my other business is actually up and running.
I will post another thread when I can find some time to make this happen.
once again, I am truly sorry.
Way too much time and money has gone into this hobby....and yet, I CAN'T STOP