I am going through a battle of ICH as well. Mine all started with a blue hippo tang that I did not quarantine when I got him. He was fine for a week or so until he jumped out of the tank while I was trying to rescue him from the overflow. I did rescue him from the floor and he was fine for a day, then ICH took hold of him. My wife and I tried to catch him for at least two hours but couldn't catch him for the life of us. Two days later I noticed ICH on 3 other fish. I have already been soaking mysis and flakes in Kent Garlic and running a UV sterilizer (at proper flow rate).
I have corals and cleaner shrimp so unwilling to do tank wide hypo or copper.
So I went to the LFS and the guy there recommended this Herbatana stuff. It's all natural and reef safe. That was 8 days ago and the ICH hasn't spread past the fish that already had it. But the fish that did have it before are getting worse. I lost the blue Hippo tang yesterday, and I'm sure I'll lose the Flame angel today or tomorrow.
From now on I will QT everything with coppermine. As for what to do now... well I guess just hope UV + Garlic and Herbatana minimizes losses. I would consider moving my coral and shrimp to a seperate tank while I do hypo, but not sure what hypos effect is on my 210 lbs of live rock