Aquarium, Sump, Stand- $550
ASM G1-X Skimmer- $75
Water Blaster 2000- $75
Fishneedit 250 w Metal Halide w/ ballast- $80
Enough salt to make over 100 gallons of salt water- $20
RO/DI Unit, only put about 150-175 gallons through it- $240
Heater is like new, have the box- $35
Refractometer and almost full bottle of calibration fluid- $20
The two test kits, $20 each or $30 for both
The Selcon is 3/4 full- $10
Coral Rx is almost full-$15
Essential Elements is over half full, the two calcium additives are almost full, $15 for all three things.
That should be everything, please PM offers or questions.