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Old 09-17-2012, 02:03 AM
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waynemah waynemah is offline
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Edmonton
Posts: 376
waynemah is on a distinguished road

I believe I've run this thing long enough to come to a final conclusion!

The Good:
It's never once had a problem starting.
It runs quiet!!!
The footprint is small for the performance.
It performs extremely well.

Dials are a little loose, after adding a few O-rings this is no longer an issue. Easy fix.

DIY Modification:
I added a float valve to the lid, this stops the pumps when the skimmer cup is full (Using DIY auto top-off circuitry). This by no means a requirement, but saved several overflows (due to laziness).

I'll leave you all with a couple of final photographs...

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