YOu assume too much and too fast. I do have a nano and love them, just that I love my fish just as much so I make sure they are free of parasites for the rest of their lifes.
I think it is our responsability to make sure the fish in our aquariums are healthy and do to what ever is necessary to keep them that way and give them the best life possible.
I have 2 tank raised clownfish in my nano and quite a few bubble tip anemones and they are happy. Clownfish make excellent fish for nano because in the wild they don't go very far from their anemony, so no big deal if they don't have a large tank.
Originally Posted by mrhasan
And from your post, I think you are not very fond of nanos
There are people, like me, who doesn't have the provision of keeping big tanks (in terms of money and space) and hence nanos are there and they are no big of a difference other than the limited stocking list.
And please don't attack me with the "money" thing because I once had someone attack me with "if you can't get a $50 refractometer, you are in the wrong hobby" because I believe there's more into this hobby than just money and that is dedication. BTW I do have a refrac now :P