Originally Posted by WindowMaker
I did mention they were DIY, there are 48 3W led's. No optics, tank is 24" deep. I was debating the use of some optics to bring the light closer to the bottom. Suggestion on angle?
Bubble tip was what I was thinking, I know they are the more beginner breed and they look pretty cool too.
Unless I'm blind, you didn't say DIY anywhere, although I assumed this when you mentioned researching the color so I responded accordingly. Anyway, no I don't know much about the optics, I'm not keen on the LEDs so I haven't checked them out too much.
As I said, the BTA would probably be your best choice. Make sure you drip acclimate it, and I like to turn off all the pumps for the first hour and then just turn on one small pump overnight. This helps the anemone settle in and get a good foothold. Make sure when you buy it that it is stuck onto something really well. If you buy one from someone else's tank ask if you can also buy the rock it is on. That's the easiest way to acclimate them is to not peel their foot up. You don't usually get that lucky though!