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Old 09-16-2012, 06:11 PM
WindowMaker WindowMaker is offline
Join Date: Dec 2011
Location: Peterborough, ON
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Default Am I ready for an anemone yet?

Hey all, Ive been working myself up to the point of getting an anemone for my tank. Ive just completed the final steps of lighting (150watts of LEDs).

Here is what I have:
80 gallon bow front
sump with euro reef skimmer, carbon reactor, gfo reactor.
mag 9.5

1 large 4000gph powerhead.

All the regular stats are nil

phosphate is about .05

dosing 2 part, trace and iodine

tank residents are a pair of oscellaris clowns, 2 cleaner shrimp, an assortment of snails and a couple of hermit crabs.

am I missing anything here, or am I getting close enough to take the dive?

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