Actually no, there are a lot of tanks without ick, all of those who do a proper quarantine don't have ick. I have 2 tanks and don't have ick in either.
A tank without ick is only possible when one do a proper quarantine and treat when necessary. There is no secret to it.
Goo luck with your problem. Being infested by parasites is not part of nature because in nature the fish have all the ocean to avoid those parasites. In our tanks with the restrained space, it is parasites haven.
No fish is ich proof. Mandarins can have it has well and they can die from it as well. It infect the gills and mandarins do have gills. They have thick mucous on their body but the gills are all the same as other fish.
Especially in a 20 gallons tank (kind of small for a 6 line) the fish don't stand much chance if not treated because with such small amount of water (parasite concentration) and such small amount of space to swim (stress) it will have a hard time fighting this parasite off.
I would treat with hyposalinity with a good refractometer for 6 weeks in a QT and get rid of ich once and for all.
Originally Posted by mrhasan
(I think almost every tank has some ich; its a part of nature and they only attack once the host gets weak enough; please do correct me if I am wrong).