I suddenly noticed today that the six line wrasse that I introduced few days back got ich!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There no mark on the body but there are white spots all over the fins and tail. It does occasionally scratches its body against the rock but it is eating like a beast!
I heard that sixlines generally get ich when introduced to a new tank (kind of like black ghost knife fish) but is very ich-resistant and will heal itself.
I know my tank has ich (I think almost every tank has some ich; its a part of nature and they only attack once the host gets weak enough; please do correct me if I am wrong). And since my tank is only a 20 gallon, I really am not that patient to QT every fish for like 2 months (

So does anyone has any experience regarding ich and sixlines? Heard that mandarines and sixlines are like ich-proof but this really got me down