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Old 09-15-2012, 03:05 PM
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Coralgurl Coralgurl is offline
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Originally Posted by Snappy View Post
Is your eel in with all your fish? Just so you know I have seen a snowflake take out some pretty big fish including a fairly large lion.

Regarding triggers, I used to have a niger in my reef several years ago and loved it however when I upgraded my tank and moved it to the back tank it actually ate my bicolor angel on day.

Fish are always hit & miss but if you get a bad one look out! Also they can change behavior even after being in a tank for several years.
One of the interesting aspects of this hobby is we put fish together in our tanks from all over the world and many that often don't live together in the wild and they can teach each other new tricks - some of which are not good.
The eel was in my 55 gl tank, I sold him a while ago and reset it to a reef tank again.

My trigger is awesome right now but he's still pretty small. My hippo tang picks at him all the time, actually made him jump out of the tank earlier this week, so she might be going.

I agree that we put fish together that would never live together in these boxes, then hope for the best....That sucks yours actually ate another fish....I guess there's always risks no matter what. You must have got rid of the Niger as I don't recall seeing him in your tanks??
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