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Old 09-14-2012, 03:11 PM
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What species of anemone? I have BTAs and experienced splits that are quick, within a day or two, but also some that have taken a week. Once I even had one almost split, the 'mouth' had already opened up into a horseshoe ready to tear apart & it put itself back together! Completed the split months later.

From your first photo it's difficult to say what's going on. Not sure if different species go through different split scenarios, but any time my BTAs split, it's obvious that they tear themselves apart at the 'mouth'. Your photo shows the mouth intact with a blob of stuff below it, apparently coming out from the inside? Sort of like the little alien in the movie coming out of victims' chest?

About all you can do is keep your water parameters stable & observe. A large portion of it still looks ok. If it starts actually 'melting', then it will be time to consider yanking it out so it doesn't mess up your water for the other critters.
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