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Old 09-13-2012, 02:30 PM
bomb1977 bomb1977 is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2012
Location: Hamilton, Ontario
Posts: 5
bomb1977 is on a distinguished road

All good advice.

I'm still doing a lot of reading on how the items involved work. I'm currently reading up on protein skimmers and how they work. I actually can't believe that such a simple device is so expensive.

It seems like a 2 litre pop bottle with the bottom cut out of it and a wooden airstone or two with a tube out the top draining into a collection cup would do the same job for about $25 bucks. But that's just my initial thought after a few hours of reading.

As for the calcium reactor, I will back burner that and add my calcium and alkaline manually in the beginning. If I find I need heavy and frequent dosing, an auto doser seems like the way to go.

I like the idea of a computer controlling my lights and powerheads, but the rest just seems like overkill to me at this point.

Quick background on me...

Age 19-27 - I was a Tool and Die Maker for a major Auto Manufacturer
Age 28-33 - I was a Corporate Sales Rep in the Downtown Core (Toronto)
Age 34-Today (35) - I run a company in West Hamilton with about 12 employees

So I can build things and I have the ability to bring things in wholesale also. I'm hoping to do this for my live rock and corals to save some money.

But I also have an excellent relationship with all of the local fish stores from my days as a cichlid breeder. I know the big guys within big al's at Hamilton and Oakville. The Oakville guys just moved to Mississauga. So I'm hoping I can use those connections too

I think I'm going to end up using 250-350 pounds of live rock for my wall, cave and in my sump. I might order what I need, or I might order in 500-1000 pounds to get a lower price and pass on the savings to other people I know in the hobby

I did try the HDAS, but they just aren't my kind of people. I'm an ex jock that would rather do things than sit around and talk about doing things

Hopefully I can meet up with some local people and put together some group buys. I don't mind using my company as a front to get wholesale pricing What? The tank is going in my home office That's a write off
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